All posts tagged: Christmas

sin at yuletide – a reflection on Advent 2C

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Advent / Gospels / Lectionary / New Testament / Soteriology / Year C

The following is a reflection on Luke 1: 68-79 and Luke 3:1-6, the canticle and the Gospel lesson properly appointed for Advent 2C according to the Revised Common Lectionary. Most people don’t ever want to talk about “sins.” At least not their own. (Other people’s sins are always fair game for in-depth discussion, but that’s another story entirely.) The only things that might be able to drive the repulsion of “sin talk” even further out-of-bounds are […]

Prayers of the People for all Christmastide

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Prayers of the People

Officiant: Let us pray to God, who came among us in the birth of Jesus: Intercessor: Gracious God, as a star rose, and drew people from great distances to Bethlehem that they might greet the Christ-child; Draw us, your Church, and all of your people to you – that we might be the Church and the People who you call us to be. Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. As you gave Mary your […]