All posts tagged: faith

Putting Away Childish Things

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Religion / Theology

I listened to Rob Bell’s interview of Peter Rollins on God once while taking a walk on the beach. And then I listened to it almost twenty times more. It’s THAT good. And, it got me thinking. So, the above video is a short summary of Pete’s work, and then some thoughts of my own which build on top of that.

Ezekiel 17:22-24 – the sprig

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Creation / Lectionary / Major Prophets / Old Testament / Year B

Ezekiel 17:22-24 is the Hebrew Bible Lesson properly appointed for Proper 6B, Track 2 according to the Revised Common Lectionary. The king had abandoned the covenant that God had made with his people, and instead was looking to buttress himself with an alliance with the Egyptians. Instead of drawing strength from God, the king was looking towards the help of another nation. This does not please God. And, so judgment will follow. But, judgment isn’t all […]

idle talk – a reflection on Luke 24:1-12

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Easter / Gospels / Holy Week / Jesus / Lectionary / Year C

The following is a reflection on Luke 24:1-12, one of the Gospel lesson options for Easter Day, Year C, according to the Revised Common Lectionary. But these words seemed to them an idle tale The disciples thought they were offering an “idle tale?” Jesus, their Lord and friend, has died on Friday. It’s now Sunday. He had been offered up to the authorities by one of their own, who had just recently committed suicide. Women—other friends and […]

jumping to Jesus – a reflection on John 6:1-21

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Christology / Gospels / Lectionary / New Testament

The following is a reflection on John 6:1-21, the Gospel lesson appointed for Proper 12B, according to the Revised Common Lectionary. This Gospel lesson is full of bright-and-shiny things that are impressive, and which can command attention. Jesus feeds a lot of people with only a little bit of food. A few morsels of food end up becoming baskets and baskets of leftover pieces. Jesus walks on water. Cool stuff, right? Because these things are […]

raging in fear – a reflection on Mark 4:35-41

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Gospels / Lectionary / Year B

The following is a reflection on Mark 4:35-41, the Gospel Lesson for Proper 7B, according to the Revised Common Lectionary. Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever felt like you were sinking in a raging sea, and no matter how hard you prayed, and how intently you looked for Jesus, Jesus just didn’t seem to be listening? Did you ever feel like you would […]

Book Review Part 3: Evolving in Monkey Town by Rachel Held Evans

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book review

I forget when it was that I first stumbled on Rachel Held Evan’s blog. But, I do remember when I was hooked on it. During those strange days in May when every one was joking about it being the end of the world she wrote an amazing commentary on Harold Camping and his misguided predictions. It was just head and shoulders above anything else I had read previously on the issue—and it not only shifted […]

lent 2a: on being born

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Gospels / Lectionary / New Testament

What does being “born again” mean? How does it work? Being born a first time seems like enough of a miracle – how can a second time be any better? And, if being born again is absolutely necessary, do you get to have another baby shower when it happens? Or, maybe another belly button? Jesus tells Nicodemus, a curious Pharisee who comes to Jesus during the night, that “no one can see the kingdom of […]

to covet, or not

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Gospels / Lectionary / New Testament / Old Testament

But, this isn't a simple parable meant to ward us off of greed. It's a story to demonstrate two different interior predispositions. Do we live with a predisposition towards God, or to anything else? That's what this passage is about. And Jesus' point is the point of the Old Testament, according to Dr. Freedman: living a life predisposed to coveting anything is the road that leads to sin. And it's a well worn path. And it's a path that leads no where good.