All posts tagged: litany

a litany in the wake of terror in Boston

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Current Affairs / Prayers of the People

Officiant Lord Jesus, you are the Prince of Peace and the Great Physician, and it is to you that we pray. Intercessor We pray, O Lord, for those who were so tragically killed in Boston. We pray for all who love them, and all who grieve. We pray that they might find strength in you, and not be overwhelmed by their loss. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray, for those who were […]

prayers of the people, inspired by the epistle of James

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Epistles / Lectionary / Prayers of the People

The following version of the prayers of the people is inspired by the Epistle of James, and might be used when a reading from the letter is preached on or highlighted in the service in some other way. Father of Lights, from whom comes every perfect gift, hear our prayers which we offer fervently to you, and in the name of our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for the church, that we might show […]

a litany for independence day

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Prayers of the People / Year B

The following is a litany composed to give thanks, and pray for The United States. It would be appropriate on Independence Day, the Sunday nearest Independence Day—or for any service of worship taking place near a national holiday. Users may amend as they see fit. Officiant As we remember the birth of our nation, and the gifts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, let us offer our thanks and prayers to God, the […]