proper 27c: prayers of the people

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Prayers of the People

Let us pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, himself, and God the Father, who loves us and gives us grace.

Let us pray for all the faithful People of God (especially…), that we might always give thanks to God.
Hear our plea, O Lord, and give heed to our cry.

Let us pray for our nation and all in authority, that your spirit, O God, would abide among us.
Hear our plea, O Lord, and give heed to our cry.

Let us pray for all the nations of the world, that the whole earth might fill God's house with splendor.
Hear our plea, O Lord, and give heed to our cry.

Let us pray for our families, our friends and our neighbors (especially those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week…), that we might behold your marvelous works.
Hear our plea, O Lord, and give heed to our cry.

Let us pray for those who are sick or in distress of any kind (especially those on our prayer list…), that you would hear their cry, O God, and help them.
Hear our plea, O Lord, and give heed to our cry.

Let us pray for those who we love, but see no longer (especially…), that they might be surrounded by your Presence, O God, until that day when we are all united with you around your throne.
Hear our plea, O Lord, and give heed to our cry.

Gracious God, you are near to those who call upon you, be near to us and hear our prayers, and as we praise your name forever and ever. Amen.

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