advent 3a reflection: the holy way

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Advent / Old Testament / Religion / Year A

Many years ago my wife and I moved to Atlanta. We roamed around our new city, taking in the sights and sounds of our exciting new home. On one of our travels we happened by a place where there were some interesting shops. Above the shops was a towering building with a very unique cantilevered roof.

Not long after that trip her birthday was coming up, and I wanted to go back to those shops and find a little something for her. So I hopped in my car…looking for the tall building with the roof.

I had no other directions. No other landmark. I was just driving around one of America’s largest cities looking…for a tall building.

Funny thing is…there are quite a number of tall buildings in Atlanta. And thus, I quickly got lost. Very lost. Hopelessly lost.

Though I was able to make it home later that evening. I happened to work into the dinner time conversation…”Hunny, where was that shop with the tall building above it?”

A highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Holy Way; the unclean shall not travel on it, but it shall be for God’s people; no traveler, not even fools, shall go astray. Isaiah 35:8

Did you catch that?

Isaiah tells us that there will be a public works project which will construct a highway. A “Holy Way.”

The way for God’s people.

And, it’s so easy to follow—so well signed—that not even shall the fools get lost.

I really do love that.

Because this is as clear a indication as there could be that even fools will make it into the Kingdom of God, for not even they will get lost. In fact, so many fools are counted among that number that the Holy Way is constructed in such a way so that they are not excluded.

This is good news. It is especially good news for me, for I am a fool. Not always, and not everywhere…but just often enough.

I foolishly overextend myself. I foolishly forget appointments and important occasions. Like a fool I sometimes say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, or just stand there saying nothing at all. Sometimes my prayers are foolish. I’ve even been known to have preached a foolish sermon or two.

But, it is not my cleverness that counts me as a member of God’s Kingdom, but His kindness, love, forgiveness, and grace, and the little mustard-seed faith that I am able to muster from time to time.

That road is being built. It is being built for all of us. And, for some of us, the specifications are personalized.


The Author

follower of Jesus, father of two, husband of one, Episcopal priest, with one book down, one blog up...surrounded by empty jars of nutella

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