litany for all saint’s day

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Prayers of the People

The following is a litany for use on All Saint’s Day. It is designed to be used at the beginning of a service of Eucharist, and concludes with the Collect of the Day. However, it could certainly be adapted to use at a later point in the service. If your community has a patron saint who is not listed, it would be quite appropriate to add the patron to one of the petitions, or craft an additional petition. The litany was written with the Great Litany in mind, and therefore if a community wanted to chant it, the setting of the Great Litany could easily be used.

On this site there is also
• a reflection on the New Testament Lesson for All Saint’s Day Year A, and
• a reflection on the Gospel Lesson for All Saint’s Day Year A.

O God, our mighty tower, and creator of Heaven and Earth,
Have mercy upon us.

O God, our Redeemer, who died and rose again,
Have mercy upon us.

O God, our comforter, who fell as a dove at the Baptism of Jesus, and strengthens all the faithful,
Have mercy upon us.

Holy Trinity, undivided, One God,
Have mercy upon us.

By the creation of Adam and Eve out of the dust of the ground, the forming of them in your holy image, and breathing into them your sacred breath,
Have mercy upon us.

By the calling forth of Noah and his family, the gathering together of the creatures of the earth, and the gift of the covenant as a bow in the sky,
Have mercy upon us.

By the blessing and sending of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel, and the matriarchs and patriarchs of the twelve tribes of Israel,
Have mercy upon us.

By the call of Moses at the burning bush, the liberation of the children of Israel from Pharaoh’s hand, and the renting of the Sea,
Have mercy upon us.

By the witness and courage of your holy prophets of old; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Micah, Habakkuk; and all those who called your people to faithfulness of living and justice for the poor and vulnerable,
Have mercy upon us.


By the coronation of David and Solomon, and for the establishment of the holy city of Jerusalem, and your great Temple,
Have mercy upon us.

By the Annunciation to our sister Mary by the Angel Gabriel, the visitation to Elizabeth, and the Incarnation of the Word into the world,
Have mercy upon us.

By the voice that rang out in the wilderness, John the Baptizer, Elizabeth’s son, who washed your people in Jordan’s waters and who baptized Our Lord,
Have mercy upon us.

By the ministry of Peter, James, and John and all the twelve disciples, their journey from doubt to faith, and their ministry as apostles,
Have mercy upon us.

By the first proclamation of the resurrection of Our Lord by Mary Magdalene, and the other women, to the disciples,
Have mercy upon us.

By the sacred works of your evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and the proclamation of the Good News,
Have mercy upon us.

By the blinding light sent to Paul, his ministry to the Gentiles, and the bringing of the Gospel of Christ unto all nations,
Have mercy upon us.

By the witness of Stephen, the first martyr, and by those who followed his example, by the profession of their faith with their lives and their deaths,
Have mercy upon us.

By the defense of the orthodox faith by your servants Athanasius, Gregory the Great, Gregory of Nanzianus, Ambrose, Augustine, Monica, and Aquinas; that your faith and your church may be one,
Have mercy upon us.

By the calling of your people to live lives of holiness and prayer by Anthony, Benedict, Francis, Clare, and Dominic,
Have mercy upon us.

[By the shining of the light of the Gospel into the British Isles by Augustine, Patrick, Bridgid, Aidan, Cuthbert, Hilda, Julian, and Ninian,
Have mercy upon us.]

By the ministries of those who renewed and reformed your church, Luther, Calvin, Cramner, Elizabeth, Wesley, and Ignatius to be ever faithful to the Resurrection of our Lord and the teachings of Christ,
Have mercy upon us.

By the translation of your Holy Scriptures, by Jerome, Tyndale, Wycliffe, that they may always be a light and guide to all your children,
Have mercy upon us.

By the examples of living lives worthy of the Gospel by those saints alive in our world and in our own day,
Have mercy upon us.

By the great victory of Michael, archangel, over the beast, the establishment of your abiding peace, the casting out of darkness by your light, and the final consummation of your Kingdom,
Have mercy upon us.

By the death, resurrection, and ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the victory that he brings to all who abide in faith, we pray for those who we love but see no longer, especially_______, that they may dwell in your heavenly courts in peace and in your Presence forevermore, and until we are all reunited to each other and you,
Have mercy upon us.

Son of God, we beseech you to hear us.
Son of God, we beseech you to hear us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Grant us your peace.

The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Let us pray.

Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

The Author

follower of Jesus, father of two, husband of one, Episcopal priest, with one book down, one blog up...surrounded by empty jars of nutella

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